On Writing

Writing In Scenes: The Secret to Show Don’t Tell

Writing In Scenes: The Secret to Show Don’t Tell

scene: a sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book. One of the biggest mistakes I see in beginning writers’ work is the failure to dramatize. The dreaded telling, rather than showing. Writing in scenes helps you make sure that something is...

5 Ways Out of the Middle Malaise

5 Ways Out of the Middle Malaise

It happens to me with every novel. Usually somewhere in the middle, in that long swamp of scenes known as Act Two. Not writer’s block exactly, more like writer’s avoidance. A kind of insidious procrastination that erodes my sacred writing time. This week alone I found...

What Do Writers Want? Goal Setting for Scribblers and Other Creatives

What Do Writers Want? Goal Setting for Scribblers and Other Creatives

Setting and meeting your goals for your life as a career author doesn’t have to be a SMART formula that smacks of the Human Resources Department. If SMART works for you, then great. But if such a linear, corporate approach leaves you cold (as it does me), here are some looser, livelier ways to map out a career strategy for you as a writer.

Seven Ways to Jumpstart Your Imagination

Seven Ways to Jumpstart Your Imagination

New year, new ideas! We’re all planning our writing for 2023 now, but we need to make sure that we prime the pump throughout the year. Here are seven ways to jumpstart your imagination that you can write right into your calendar:

READING: A Writer’s Best and Most Constant Muse

READING: A Writer’s Best and Most Constant Muse

As an agent, author, and former acquisitions editor, I’m always stunned when aspiring writers tell me that they don’t have time to read (don’t ever say that, it’s a red flag, seriously). Writers read, and good writers read a lot. (That’s why agents and editors will often ask you what you’re reading and/or start a conversation about books, to see if you walk the talk.) If you need any more motivation, here’s a round-up of famous authors on the importance of reading for writers.

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