On Mindfulness

How To Read Like a Writer

How To Read Like a Writer

Learning to read like a writer can deepen our understanding of the writing process and help us improve our own work. Agent, editor, and USA TODAY bestselling author Paula Munier shows you how.

13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

For me, the worst part is the first draft, which is always somewhat of a slog. I love it and dread it at the same time. It’s like running a marathon when you’ve forgotten how to run. But you haven’t really, you just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Bird by bird.

When I remember this, the writing is not quite so hard. And I am reminded that writing is not all angst and adverbs. Sometimes it’s actually—dare I say it—fun. There are undeniable pleasures, however fleeting or abstruse or just plain unfathomable to Other People (non-writers) they may be. Keeping them in mind can help us enjoy the writing process more, even on those days when we struggle to make our word count.

The next time you sit down to write, notice—and applaud!—when you…

A Writer’s Gratitude Journal

A Writer’s Gratitude Journal

This year, finding the silver lining in what often seems like an endless sky crowded with darkening clouds may be difficult, but as writers we are blessed in many ways. Just being a writer is in and of itself a blessing. Holding on to that understanding can be tough...

The Art of Gifting Books

The Art of Gifting Books

Books make the best gifts. And giving books is good reading for the receiver, good business for the industry, and good karma for the giver.

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