Infographic: The Same But Different

Text Description: What publishers want is “the same but different,” as in: Just like insert best selling book here, only different. You need to articulate that difference. Setting: Just like Castaway, only set on Mars = The Martian Point of View: Just like...
5 Ways to Impress an Agent

5 Ways to Impress an Agent

Getting an agent can be a challenge. Given the sheer volume of queries agents receive—such largesse that many agents find it impossible to accept unsolicited queries—it’s not easy to make you and your project stand out. Here are some tips to help you to capture an...
10 Things Not to Say to an Agent When You Pitch Your Project

10 Things Not to Say to an Agent When You Pitch Your Project

It’s conference season again, that wonderful time of year when we agents listen to hundreds of pitches—some good, some bad, and some ugly. Here’s what not to say. (And yes, these are real lines from real-life pitches.) #1 My villain is so bad he kills the dog. It’s...

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