Story Questions: The Secret to Narrative Thrust

Story Questions: The Secret to Narrative Thrust

One of the most common reasons agents and editors pass on stories—and readers stop reading them—is a lack of narrative thrust. Narrative thrust is the engine that propels your story forward, beat by beat, scene by scene, chapter by chapter, from the very first word to...
What I Learned from Crime Bake: A Writer’s Story

What I Learned from Crime Bake: A Writer’s Story

There are certain times in a writer’s life when everything changes. You may not see it at the time, but when you look back, you realize that was the moment that changed you, your writing, and your writing career forever. For me, this happened when I moved to New...
Writing Nature

Writing Nature

When I was a very young woman, I heard a writer say that when you set a story in a given place, you should be able to name every bird, every tree, every flower in that setting. I remember thinking, “Uh oh.” As an Army brat who moved at least once a year, I barely got...
Writing About the Pandemic—or Not?

Writing About the Pandemic—or Not?

This is the question I hear all the time from writers of all levels of experience. The uncertainty of life during the pandemic has affected everyone in the book business—writers, agents, editors, publishers, booksellers, librarians, reviewers. We publishing...

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