Ten Great Gifts for Writers

Ten Great Gifts for Writers

Tis the season of gratitude and generosity. Be grateful to your friends and family, especially those who give you great writer gifts. But be generous to those who don’t; you can’t expect your partner or your BFF or even your mother to know what the writer in you...
How To Read Like a Writer

How To Read Like a Writer

This time of year, happiness is a blazing fire, a glass of wine, and a good book. Here in New England, where winters are long and cold and buried in snow, ‘tis the season for reading. My TBR pile is high—and so are my ambitions. Because while reading is one of my...
13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

Everyone always talks about how hard it is to write. And it is hard. There’s the terror of the blank page, the three steps forward, two steps back torture of plotting, the trial and error of character development—not to mention the tyranny of the impossible...
10 Writing Lessons We Learned from 2020

10 Writing Lessons We Learned from 2020

Hindsight is 2020. I stole that great line from my son Greg Bergman, Editor-in-Chief for capitalwatch.com. This year was a nightmare, but we did learn a lot—the hard way—about our industry, ourselves, and each other.   1) Backlist matters. As terrible a year as...
A Writer’s Gratitude Journal

A Writer’s Gratitude Journal

This year, finding the silver lining in what often seems like an endless sky crowded with darkening clouds may be difficult, but as writers we are blessed in many ways. Just being a writer is in and of itself a blessing. Holding on to that understanding can be tough...
Namastay at My Computer

Namastay at My Computer

When after thirty-plus years of child-rearing I found myself with an empty nest, I needed something to do. Something to help me figure out who I was if I wasn’t a mom, first and foremost. Of course, I had other roles to play: agent, author, editor, significant other,...

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