Ten Great Gifts for Writers

Ten Great Gifts for Writers

Tis the season of gratitude and generosity. Be grateful to your friends and family, especially those who give you great writer gifts. But be generous to those who don’t; you can’t expect your partner or your BFF or even your mother to know what the writer in you...
How To Read Like a Writer

How To Read Like a Writer

This time of year, happiness is a blazing fire, a glass of wine, and a good book. Here in New England, where winters are long and cold and buried in snow, ‘tis the season for reading. My TBR pile is high—and so are my ambitions. Because while reading is one of my...
Writing In Scenes: The Secret to Show Don’t Tell

Writing In Scenes: The Secret to Show Don’t Tell

scene: a sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book. One of the biggest mistakes I see in beginning writers’ work is the failure to dramatize. The dreaded telling, rather than showing. Writing in scenes helps you make sure that something is...
5 Ways Out of the Middle Malaise

5 Ways Out of the Middle Malaise

It happens to me with every novel. Usually somewhere in the middle, in that long swamp of scenes known as Act Two. Not writer’s block exactly, more like writer’s avoidance. A kind of insidious procrastination that erodes my sacred writing time. This week alone I found...

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