Unlock Your Writing Brain with Pen and Paper

Unlock Your Writing Brain with Pen and Paper

In the beginning, pen and paper were touted as the writer’s best friend. With the advent of the typewriter, writers took up writing by machine, and in the wake of computers, many authors—and the public at large—abandoned handwriting altogether. Typing has replaced...
13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

13 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Pleasure

Everyone always talks about how hard it is to write. And it is hard. There’s the terror of the blank page, the three steps forward, two steps back torture of plotting, the trial and error of character development—not to mention the tyranny of the impossible...
The Daring Writer’s Guide to Point of View

The Daring Writer’s Guide to Point of View

Point of view issues keep more otherwise sellable authors from selling their work than nearly any other problem. That’s why as an agent, author, and writing teacher, I always caution my clients, fellow writers, and students to play it safe when it comes to POV. And...
Go for Broke: 6 Ways To Make Your Story Stand Out

Go for Broke: 6 Ways To Make Your Story Stand Out

I recently led a workshop at the New York Pitch Conference, an event dedicated to helping writers perfect their pitches—and in the process, discover what might be keeping them from selling their work in an increasingly unforgiving marketplace. Often it’s the fact that...

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